CASE Scientific Session (Andrew Karvonen)
Presenter: Andrew Karvonen, Professor of Urban Design and Planning at Lund University.
Theme: “Urban Cooling Strategies to Promote Health and Well-Being”
Description: The changing global climate is producing record-breaking temperatures that are having negative impacts on human health and well-being. This is particularly pronounced in the built-up areas of cities and towns where cases of heat stroke and mortality among older and vulnerable residents are on the rise. Local governments need to retrofit the built environment to mitigate extreme temperatures and protect the health and well-being of residents.
In this scientific session Professor Andrew Karvonen will begin with a short presentation proposing a new research topic on extreme weather and vulnerable populations, followed by a workshop. In the workshop, we will brainstorm on a new research agenda to develop a community of practice on urban cooling strategies for health and well-being in residential and public spaces. The agenda might involve participatory action research with partners from the public sector, civil society and academia to a) identify where and how excessive heat is affecting the most vulnerable residents and b) develop a suite of physical and social interventions to alleviate high temperatures and protect human health.
Om evenemanget
IRL, LTH, room A:4057, 4th floor, A-huset, Sölvegatan 24 ● Theme: Urban Cooling Strategies to Promote Health and Well-Being
Presentation in English
pimkamol [dot] mattsson [at] abm [dot] lth [dot] se